bike maintenance tips

This adage holds true for a biker. Not just lakhs, a biker does not hesitate to spend lakhs to buy his hobby bike. It is not necessary to buy a bike by spending lakhs of rupees.

Motorcycle Maintenance Tips

There is a saying “hobby is worth lakhs”. This adage holds true for a biker. Not just lakhs, a biker does not hesitate to spend lakhs to buy his hobby bike. It is not necessary to buy a bike by spending lakhs of rupees. Timely maintenance is very important to maintain the good health of that bike. Small bike problems if not taken care of at the right time can lead to big damage one day. Because all the small to big parts of a bike are related to each other. After reading today's article, you will know how to maintain a bike step by step after buying it.

Break-in period maintenance

The break-in period is to give the engine of a first running bike some time to adjust. Immediately after birth, a baby takes time to adjust to the outside environment. Similarly, after the engine of a bike is started for the first time, it takes some time to adjust. This period is basically called break in period. At this time the bike needs a little extra care. Because, even though the bike is manufactured with great care and care, many times many impurities remain inside the engine, when the engine of a bike first starts working, due to the constant lowering of the piston, these impurities corrode and start to become impurities. by doing Corroded metal particles are mixed with the engine oil inside the engine and this is why the engine oil needs to be changed frequently so that it does not cause any damage to the engine.

Although there is disagreement about the break-in period, we feel that this break-in period should be maintained. Because, we have seen in the survey that a well maintained bike with break in period will last much longer. Generally the first 1000 km from the time of purchase of the bike is considered as break in period.

Let's know how to do maintenance during break in period:

1) Avoid riding the bike with the pillion at this time.

2) At this time the RPM should not be raised above six thousand.

3) Speed should not be increased by sudden throttling.

4) The bike should be used smoothly at this time.

5) It is economical to use mineral engine oil during the break in period. Even up to 3000 kms, grade compliant mineral engine oil should be used on the bike.

6) Two engine oils should be used alternately every 500 km within this 1000 km.

7) Avoid carrying any heavy objects on the bike.

• Regular maintenance:

All the maintenance that a bike needs for daily use is called regular maintenance. A bike needs regular maintenance to get better output from it and maximize its performance. There is no alternative to using a motorcycle.

Let's know how you should do regular maintenance.

1) Bike Clean:

Purity is part of faith. Along with yourself, your bike should be kept clean all the time. For that it is necessary to clean the bike regularly.

The rules of bike clean are:

• The first step in cleaning the bike is to clean the chain. For chain cleaner, with the help of a brush, wet the chain well with petrol or kerosene oil, then clean the dirt stuck to the chain well with the chain cleaning brush. Once the chain is clean, clean the rear and front chain sprockets with a brush. Be sure to clean the sprocket chamber when cleaning the front sprocket.

• Once the chain is clean, thoroughly wet the entire bike with water. Make sure that every visible area on the outside of the bike is wet with water.

• Then spread the bike wash foam all over the bike. Instead of foam, CleanGin shampoo, normal shampoo, detergent in special cases can also be used. Remember, shampoo or detergent must be mixed well with water. After applying foam or shampoo and water to the entire bike, wait for some time. Then wet the micro fiber cloth and clean the whole bike well. Especially tire guards, wheels, rims, foot rests, body parts, windshields, meter parts and various chips should be cleaned. A brush can be used for areas where the microfiber cloth cannot reach. For example, it is better to use a brush to clean the engine parts. Then wash the whole bike well with water. High pressure water can be used if needed. However, excessive water pressure should be avoided. There is a chance of damaging the bike's paint and delicate wiring.

• If the bike smokes, wipe the bike well with a dry micro fiber cloth and apply a little air pressure to the engine parts and pressure with an air pressure machine.

• If you want, you can get your bike with dashboard spray polish or cream polish.

• Finally lube the bike chain with good quality chain lube. In this case it is better not to use engine oil.

Of course, remember to never wipe a dusty bike with a dry cloth to save time. First wash the bike thoroughly and then wipe the bike with a micro fiber cloth. This will prevent unwanted stains on your bike.

2) Regular servicing:

A bike is a mechanical vehicle. It is made with the help of many parts. Any of its parts may be damaged if it is driven on the road. There are also many parts that have a short lifespan, such as brake pads, oil filters, air filters, etc. Also after 1-2 thousand kilometers the engine oil of the bike needs to be changed. In fact, these tuk tuk jobs are regular servicing. This service is done in less time. This service greatly affects the life of the bike. This is a part of regular maintenance. Even if no problem is felt, a light service should be done after every 2000 km.

3) Master Service:

Master service means checking a bike part by part separately and finding out every problem of the bike and solving it. A masters service takes about one to two days. Masters service is a process. To go into detail about master service would make the article too long and it is quite difficult to explain this process well in writing. So I will try to give some idea.

• First separate the kits and the oil tank from the bike. should be washed.

• After that the chain sprocket and the wheel of the bike have to be separated one by one.

• After removing the wheels, the chassis of the bike along with the engine should be thoroughly washed.

• Then one by one wheel bearings, ball bearing, handle bearing, timing chain, tappet, spark plug, clutch plate, throttle cable, clutch cable, throttle body, well seal, sep, well filter, air filter, brake pad, caliper, Other technical aspects including hose pipes should be checked thoroughly and any problems should be resolved.

• If everything goes well, the bike will be well oiled, greased and put together all the exposed parts to make the bike roadworthy.

Remember, an experienced technician is a must when servicing Masters. Because, the matters that are seen in the master service are very important and technical matters of the bike. Without an experienced mechanic it is very difficult to grasp these technical issues.

• Tour maintenance

Many people like to do long tours with the hobby bike. The bike must be maintained before the tour. By doing this, one can avoid any unwanted incidents related to the bike during the tour. It is better to get the bike fully serviced before going on a tour with the bike. If for some reason you can't do full service then check up some things.

Those are:

1) Are the brake pads of the bike okay?

2) Whether there is engine oil drain period.

3) Whether every nut of the bike is correct.

4) Two good quality tire sealant or gel can be filled in the two tires of the bike.

5) Clutch cable, throttle cable, brake hose pipe should be checked well.

6) Whether the position of the looking glass is correct.

7) Tire pressure must be checked.

8) It is important to check the chain and chain sprocket.

Special Note: If for any reason it is not possible to get the bike fully serviced before going on the tour, then the bike must be given a full service after returning from the tour.


Some more tips for bike maintenance:

1) Change the oil filter every time you drain the engine oil.

2) Every day after starting the bike for the first time, wait at least two minutes before running the bike. Let the engine warm up a bit.

3) Change the brake pads on time.

4) Change the air filter on time.

5) Avoid parking the bike in the sun. If ceramic coating is applied, then parking in the sun is not allowed at all. There is a high chance of burning your bike's paint.

6) Start the bike for at least ten minutes every day. This will increase the life of your battery.

7) Try to cover the bike with a good dustproof cover.

8) Definitely try to ride the bike with one hand.

9) Use proper psi air in bike tires. How many psi of air to keep is given in the manual or chassis of the bike.

10) Avoid riding the bike continuously. In case of long journey, brake once every 80-100 km.

11) Use proper grade and good quality engine oil as per manual. Do not over or under grade the engine oil.

12) Avoid tearing the forks of the bike.

13) Never fill the fuel tank. This creates a chance of fuel over flow.

14) Know about the bike by reading the manual of the bike well.

15) Ride according to your limits. Avoid over speeding.

Remember, proper output comes from a properly maintained bike. So whatever type of bike you use, it is important to maintain it properly to get proper output from it. A well-maintained bike will make your commute easier and hassle-free.

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