Oppo A7n silently announced in 2 April 2019. Oppo company Oppo A7 launched last November, and recently launched Oppo a5s. The phone comes with a 6.2-inch IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen, support 16M colors that will offer resolution of 1520 x 720 pixels. The A7n is powered by Snapdragon 450 processor and it comes with 4GB of RAM. The smartphone packs 64GB of internal storage that can be expanded via microSD card up to 256 GB (dedicated slot). As for the cameras are concerned, the A7n packs Dual 13+2-megapixel primary camera on the rear and a 16-megapixel front shooter for selfies. Having sensor Fingerprint (rear-mounted). The Oppo A7n runs Android 8.1 and As for the Connectivity, supports Bluetooth 4.2, 2.4GHz Wi-Fi, and support for USB OTG.